Go to Business Parties and click to select any partner you like. Open its "Action" menu and select "View."


Customer overview

For a customer, the summary of confirmed invoices in the past 90 days would be shown as,
  • The number of outstanding invoices.
  • Breakdown of Overdue (red), Outstanding (blue), and Paid (green) invoices in amount.

You can further examine related quotes and invoices in the below tables.
Use the date filters to find documents in a certain period.


Vendor overview

For a vendor, the summary of vendor bills received in the past 90 days would be shown as,
  • The number of outstanding vendor bills.
  • Breakdown of Overdue (red), Outstanding (blue), and Paid (green) vendor bills in amount.

You can also examine related purchase orders, vendor bills, and expenses recorded in the below tables.
Use the date filters to find documents in a certain period.